Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is for full-time employees ready to be a part of a project or organization. We at Sahita, hire and place candidates on a contingent model as and when clients request for recruitment.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is for full-time employees ready to be a part of a project or organization. We at Sahita, hire and place candidates on a contingent model as and when clients request for recruitment.
Augment your staff with FTE employees and make it a win-win situation!
Some benefits of hiring FTE employees!
Long-term employees tend to build a strong, trustworthy relationship with the organization and are capable of performing their responsibilities full-fledged.
The need to constantly look for new hires in projects decreases.
No hassle and negative effects of laying off an employee.
Sahita helps you manage the employee like your own. You can provide priorities for project work or maintenance and support, just like your own regular employee.